Airbag Crash Data Reset Online System
Are you looking for an online solution to clear crash data from an airbag module?
Do you need crash data reset software?
In less than a minute, you can clear crash data from the crashed dump by using the ARMHEX airbag crash data reset online machine!
If you work in the field of airbag module reset, there have been many cases where you required an airbag clear dump to repair the SRS module, and you have not been able to find the clear dump and encountered many problems in clearing crash data.
For example, the cleared dump that you downloaded from the internet didn’t work and even the dump that you read and saved from a brand-new airbag module doesn’t work on the same car and gives you several errors in the diagnostic tool, so you have lost time, energy and wasted money.
Also, in many cases, just because you don't have access to the airbag crash data reset tool, software, or rich database, you have referred to a colleague to reset the airbag module, but for various reasons, this has taken your time and has reduced your profit and lead to losing a customer.
ARMHEX center with its engineering team and experts in the field of electronics and intelligent systems has designed an airbag crash data reset online system to clear crash data from the airbag ECU, so you can service and repair SRS modules after an accident or severe impact.
The database covers almost all car brands in the world including American, European, Asian, and Chinese brands.
Online crash data reset is super easy. Just select the brand and model of the crashed airbag module and upload the damaged file, which contains crash information or internal error, to the online system.
In less than a few seconds, the intelligent system detects faults and removes crash data from the SRS dump, and performs a special configuration and coding process, then you can download the cleared and configured dump for the selected airbag ECU at the same time.
3 steps to airbag crash data clear using the ARMHEX crash data calculator in less than a minute
1. Log in to your account or register for free.
2. Select the brand, model, and serial number of crashed SRS module you want to remove crash data from.
3. Upload the crash data file on the online system and download cleared and configured dump simultaneously.
8 reasons why professionals use ARMHEX crash data reset calculator to clear crash data
1. You have a 100% guarantee! You have no worries about the cleared dump. If there was a problem with the airbag online reset process, just contact the support team, and they will solve the problem. The points will be returned in full at the customer's request.
2. You will not be delayed by anyone. You can reset airbag crash data 24 hours a day.
3. Only pay for the dump you require. There is no need to buy expensive devices and pay for annual updates, instead, you buy packages and reduce costs. So refunds are very fast.
4. Support team. If there were any ambiguities or issues in the process of resetting the airbag crash data file, your request will be answered as soon as possible.
5. By joining ARMHEX family, you have access to more than 20,000 airbag ECU models, which include almost all modern brands in the world.
6. In most cars, you don't need to code and configure after resetting crashed dump. The system will do this task automatically.
7. If the airbag computer serial number is new or not listed in the online database, airbag crash data reset is free. Just send the car details, and memory chip number along with the exact photo of the board, label, and crashed dump to the support team, and they will clear crash data for you!
8. Users are always considered by ARMHEX center and discounts are considered for users who give us useful feedback, so we can improve the performance of the online system.
Full access to the database with a 100% guarantee
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